Monday, November 1, 2010

Camping and life:)

HEY!! So sorry i haven't posted anything in awhile---i feel bad:( I've just been SOO busy with fun stuff. On friday we went camping....... uhh... kinda. See, the boys and their dad stayed the night, but Aunt Sue and baby Grant and I went home to sleep then came back in the morning. hahah. That's the BEST way to camp, if you ask me:) We did all the fun stuff like campfire dinner and smores and campfire breakfast in the morning. It was great and we had SO much fun. I put up a bunch of pictures from it below, so go ahead and check those out:)

Halloween was great. Cater was Link (from Zelda), Blake was a Jeti Gangster  (don't ask me), Dane was a ninja, Fischer was Ben 10, and Grant was a cute little Vampire.

I'm with Aunt Sue pretty much 24/7 and we do a lot! Every week day morning starts off at 8:30 with a walk/jog that's between 4 and 7 miles after we walk the boys to school and all.

Fitting in with the youth group a little better all the time, but sometimes it just makes me miss my OWN youth group all the more.

Okayy...... that's about it:)  ---Chris


  1. Christina!
    It has been like a million months since i've talked to you! I know how what you mean with the whole not seeing the sun ever deal. I'm glad that you are having a good time from what i can tell. I miss you bunches!


    p.s how can I keep in better contact with you?

  2. Holy cow! I had just thought of you like, YESTERDAY. I was thinking that I really needed to get back in touch with you. Someday I'll be back on facebook which'll be easiest, but for now email me. It's
    I'm generally on every day.
    Man, I really miss you too!

