Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Day....!!!

hey, so I finally got here today, but I just about didn't. My "welcome to England" was pretty pathetic.  My plane got here and I had to show my passport and all that.

The lady at the desk starts asking me all these questions about my personal life.  She's like, "What's your home life like? Why would your parents send you away?  Do you have a good relationship with them? What's your dad's job? Who's going to support you here in England?"

I'm like, "uhh.... everything is FINE at home I'm just going to live with my aunt for 6 months." and then the lady pulls me aside and goes (in a thick british accent and not in a nice way), "Darling, I could stick you on a plane right now and send you straight back to the United States....TODAY!  Why would your 'loving' parents send you to the other side of the world for 6 months. Tell me the truth-why are you REALLY here in England? No lies." 

I'm thinking, "What the heck, lady?" but I just kinda spilled a condensed version of my story for the past 6 or 8 months and at the end she just looks at me and she's like, "hm.....okay.... that sounds realistic..."

uhhh.... thanks? I finally got through after like, 30-45 minutes of hard core interrogation. It was pretty crazy.

But otherwise i'm already loving life here and having an amazing time-- except I keep thinking we're going to die when my aunt drives on the left side the of the road. it's really scary cause i forget that everyone else is on the other side too.

kay, talk to you guys later:)



  1. I think I updated the settings to allow anyonw to comment. They have to select "Annonymous" as their profile ID or Enter their name as the profile ID. We'll see. Dad

  2. Wow, that's quite a story! Haha

  3. I think you should share with us the rules to Kiss Tag. Those little boys are loving having a GIRL in the house! Girls are still yucky enough to make that game very fun for them. What a good cousin.

  4. Christina! Glad to hear you made it there safe! You can email me any time!
    We will miss you at our house!
